Noise cancellation for information overload

The Problem
We live in an age of information abundance. Podcasts, lectures, tutorials. The knowledge we seek is everywhere, but the signal is buried in noise.
For curious minds and lifelong learners, this abundance should inspire us. Instead, it overwhelms us. We’re afraid of missing what matters most.
Platforms make it worse.
By prioritizing watch time and engagement, they become noise amplifiers, drowning out what’s truly valuable.

We’ve Solved This Before
Audio engineering tackled the problem decades ago. Noise-canceling technology isolates the sounds we want to hear. Filters amplify what matters and suppress the rest.
We should be able to do the same with information. Focus only on the knowledge that matters most. It could transform how we consume content.
But right now, we can't. There's only one setting: more content, more noise.
We need the opposite. More signal. Less noise.

Step 1: Video
This problem hits hardest in rich media, especially podcasts and videos. Spending hours for minutes of insight isn’t the answer. Nor is watching on 2x speed.
Video became the least efficient medium for transferring knowledge.
High bandwidth with low knowledge density.
That's why we're asking these questions every day:
- - Should I watch this video?
- - What’s it about?
- - What are the key points?
- - What are the relevant sections for me?

Mark 1: Video Highlight
Our first product answers these questions.
It identifies key insights within lengthy videos and brings them to the forefront.
Less time searching, pausing and rewinding. More time focused on the relevant content.

This Is the Way
Improving our knowledge input bandwidth requires two things: an information filter and an information compressor.
Video Highlight is both, starting with video. But the same approach can be applied to every medium to filter, refine, and prioritize what truly matters.
Our vision is simple. Each of us should have a personalized information filter. Controlled by us.
Video Highlight is the first step toward that future.
Start today.
The Video Highlight Team